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Lasers for Integration
FYBRA Marking Lasers

FYBRA Marking Lasers

Ytterbium Q-switched Fiber

Compact fiber lasers for fast, deep marking on metals.

22 Watt 33 Watt 54 Watt

Max Marking Area:  320 x 320 mm

VIS Marking Lasers

VIS Marking Lasers

Nd:YVO4 Q-switched Vanadate

Versatile, reliable lasers with embedded controls for PC-free integration into production lines.

10 Watt 20 Watt 30 Watt 40 Watt

Max Marking Area:  180 x 180 mm

nanoVIS Marking Laser

nanoVIS Marking Laser

Nd:YVO4 Q-switched Vanadate

Compact, innovative laser marks metals, plastics, ceramics and more with results comparable to more expensive units.

6 Watt

Max Marking Area: 300 x 300 mm

Automator Marking Lasers
Laser Marking Workstations

Lasers can be incorporated into Class 1 safety enclosures which completely enclose the laser beam. Each Class 1 laser features a safety interlock which prevents the laser from operating with a door open and a viewing window made of laser-safe glass so the marking process can be viewed by the operator.

Our Class 1 lasers are available in different sizes and with a range of options to accommodate the size and volume of parts to be marked. From low volume nameplate marking to high volume production part marking, we have a solution to meet your needs and budget.

Typical Marking and Coding Applications

  • laser engraving parts and assemblies
  • marking around the circumference of round parts
  • filling in information on ID tags, nameplates, serial plates, and labels
  • direct marking of tools, dies, and assets
  • UID labeling of aerospace and military products
UBI Basic Laser System

UBI Basic Laser System

Compact desktop laser system for marking small parts and plates. Simple front control panel and impressive safety features.

OMEGA Enclosure

OMEGA Enclosure

Economical desktop laser for marking parts and tags. Manual laser height adjustment.

ARENA Enclosure

ARENA Enclosure

Medium-size system with vertical automatic sliding door and auto height adjustment.

PLACA Tag Marking System

PLACA Tag Marking System

Laser enclosure with a sliding drawer for loading single tags or plates.

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