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Automated print and apply tagging systems ensure foolproof product tracking while creating safe and efficient work environments. Robotic systems apply MetalCode high temperature bar code tags to billets, slabs, bundles, and coils immediately after processing.

  • Metal tags and attaching studs are cost-effective and recyclable
  • Laser tag printing – without ink or ribbons – enables ultra-fast cycle times
  • Fully-enclosed systems are >99% reliable with low maintenance requirements

Smart Automation

Integration of a marking system with a mill’s existing process automation system dramatically increases reliability in product tracking and inventory control.

  • Automatic printing and attaching of tags with text, bar codes, and 2D codes
  • Built-in weld checking and reissue protocol reduces risk of tag loss
  • Immediate bar code scanning and verification ensure accuracy

The use of bar code or 2D code scanners downstream eliminates product mix-ups. Once applied, Pannier MetalCode tags withstand extended weather exposure, mild acids, and rough handling.

marking hot steel billets with bar code tags
marking hot steel billets with bar code tags

marking hot steel billets with bar code tags

steel billet with MCL1800 2D code tags

steel billet with MCL1800 2D code tags

automatic billet labeling

automatic billet labeling

heat resistant labels steel bundles

heat resistant labels steel bundles

billet bar code scanning

billet bar code scanning

marking hot steel billets with bar code tagssteel billet with MCL1800 2D code tagsautomatic billet labelingheat resistant labels steel bundlesbillet bar code scanning

Get More Information

+1 412.323.4900
Talk to a marking specialist about this product.

Zoho Product Page CTA 2024-12

Maximum file size: 3MB

Get More Information

+1 412.323.4900
Talk to a marking specialist about this product.

Zoho Product Page CTA 2024-12

Maximum file size: 3MB

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